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Luxopuncture: to lose weight, to stop smoking…

Discover Light Needle treatment, an innovative treatment that provides remarkable results at a very reasonable price.


  • weight loss: adjustment of dietary behaviour
  • stopping smoking: physical dependence and mental habit
  • menopausal well-being: reduce the discomfort of menopause
  • relaxation: anti-stress

Light needle is an energy stimulating reflex technique which uses the application of infra-red light to certain acupuncture points. It can re-establish the functional equilibrium of an organ such as the hormonal system, digestive system or the lymphatic system.

The stimulation is light, painless and risk-free.

Light needle is designed to re-harmonise the organism in order to:

  • reduce compulsive eating habits
  • induce relaxation
  • fight insomnia
  • reduce cravings during detoxification

Sessions last about half an hour, treatment must begin with a check-up/consultation to establish a personalised treatment program and define the required number of sessions.

Luxopuncture is an innovative method with compelling results. Weightloss, sleeping problems,
quitting tobacco, stress, menopause symptoms… its applications are numerous. Just like
acupuncture, luxopuncture can act on precise points thanks to infra-red light.

  • What is luxopuncture?

Luxopuncture, also called luxotherapy, is a reflex technique, which stimulates your energies by an
infra-red light ray on certain acupuncture points. This re-establishes the functional balance of an
organ, like the hormonal system, the digestive system, and the lymphatic system this painless and
riskless stimulation can act on the hormonal imbalance. This reflexotherapy, real alternative to soft
and natural medicine, is a derivative of traditional Chinese acupuncture.

Here are the principle applications:

– Weightloss and slimming down (fix the compulsive food behaviors). The luxopuncture, for
example, regulates the satisfaction sensation, balances the food disorders and behaviors,
and manages a sugar addiction…
– The quitting of tobacco (physical addiction and the psychological lack). Quitting smoking
long-term is a real challenge that requires a support.
– The inconveniences of menopause. Luxotherapy helps reducing the discomfort of
menopause (hot flashes, fatigue, mood, water retention, excessive perspiration, sleep…).
– Relaxation. Stress and sleeping problems can be solved through luxopuncture. Many patients
can feel its anti-stress effect.

  • Luxopuncture: Practical Information

Depending on the targeted objective, it is necessary to do several sessions for a long-lasting result.
Each one of them lasts approximately 30 minutes and is realized by a specialist trained to use the
specific machine. It is advised to do more sessions every 6 months to preserve all the benefits.
However, it is not suggested for pregnant women or people suffering from epilepsy to do a

  • Luxopuncture: objectives and principles

The objectives of this treatment depend on what you wish to target. The luxopuncture for
weightloss, or luxotherapy to slim down, aims at rebalancing the organism to reduce the compulsive
behaviors towards food. For anti-stress, it will lead to a relaxing effect and get a better quality of
sleep back. Regarding quitting tobacco, the luxotherapy will make you quit smoking by avoiding the
situations of need during the quitting.

  • Before starting the luxotherapy sessions

It is important to start with a consultation-assessment to establish an adapted treatment program.
This will determine how many sessions are required.

The process of a luxopuncture session

The medical device used by the practitioner is equipped with an end piece (in the shape of a stylus)
producing an infra-red light. It is completely painless. The patient only feels a slight heat feeling.

Comfortably installed, the patient relaxes during the session during which the end piece will be
placed on the cutaneous zones or reflex points responding to the targeted objectives (weightloss,
anti-stress…). The results can be appreciated from the first session, especially regarding the
compulsive food disorders and the quality of the sleep.
In the case of luxopuncture to lose weight, it is important to precise that a global support is strongly
advised to assure long-lasting results. For example, a dietary rebalancing, a diet or a minima or a
consultation with a nutritionist can be recommended.


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