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A lipoma is a benign tumor made up of fat that usually does not lead to any complications. It is primarily bothersome for the affected person from an aesthetic standpoint when located on the skin. The exact cause of this type of tumor’s formation is not well-understood. This condition mainly affects adults between the ages of 40 and 60. When treatment is necessary, the method of choice is surgery.

A lipoma appears as a soft lump to the touch. The fat inside is exactly the same as normal subcutaneous fat. Varying in size, it can appear on different parts of the body: particularly on the neck, torso, arms, or breasts, when it’s a cutaneous lipoma. However, it can exist almost anywhere inside the body (stomach, lungs, brain, liver, etc.). It is a benign tumor that grows progressively. Unlike malignant tumors, the cells of a lipoma do not migrate to other organs and do not form metastases. They are most often small in size, with 80% of them being less than 5 cm, and the rest do not exceed 10 cm.

The Clinique du Lac can offer you surgical excision. First, you must meet with the cosmetic surgeon for an initial consultation, and then the procedure can be scheduled. This procedure lasts between 30 and 45 minutes and does not require general anesthesia or time off work.