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You are looking for an aesthetic medicine solution to remodel the oval of the face and fight
the cutaneous loosening caused by aging? There is a soft anti-aging technique that creates
both a lift effect and a re-densification of the skin: the face tensor threads. Without
requiring a surgical intervention, this simple procedure offers immediate results: the face
looking rejuvenated.

  • What are face tensor threads?

The use of tensor threads is a real alternative to surgery and lifting. It rejuvenates the face
by raising the tissues.
There are a lot of benefits: this surgical procedure is quick, non invasive, non traumatic and
without scars. This mending compensates the moderated loosening of the eyebrows, the
zone of the eyes, cheekbones, nasolabial folds and the lower part of the face (jowls).
The patients like the visible and natural aspect of the result: the contours of the face are
redefined and the wrinkles decreased. The face retrieves its volume and the skin its lost
tonicity. This lift effect is not possible with the injection products.
The threads being resorbable, the effects last 18 to 24 months;

  • Anti-aging tensor threads: practical information

The aesthetic doctor will use the Silhouette Lift threads. They are no-serrated cone threads
made with polypropylene and completely tolerated by the human body. it is important to
know that there materials have been used for many years in cardiology and ophthalmology.
The Silhouette Lift threads are CE certified and approved by FDA (USA).

Praticiens Clinique du Lac
  • Tensor threads: objectives and principles

The use of Silhouette Lift threads is required to overcome the face tissues loosening, which
happens when the cutaneous elasticity and tonicity are altered. This ptosis can be due to
age, an abusive sun exposure, heredity or tobacco consumption.
This intervention, despite being surgical, is less heavy than a lifting. Its technique consists in
introducing 3 to 4 pairs of threads equipped on both sides with minuscule resorbable cones
with an incision of approximately 1cm in the scalp. These threads going under the skin of the
face will settle in the deep tissues and remodel the oval of the face.
The fibrosis around the threads produces a stronger suspension mechanism than the one
produced with traditional methods.

  • Tensor threads for the face: before the intervention

During your consultation with your practitioner at Clinique du Lac, you will share your wishes
and expectations. After a medical exam, he or she will guide you towards the most adapted
intervention. If the tensor threads for the face are selected, he or she will determine how
many threads have to be placed and will explain to you all the intervention details.
No specific preparation is necessary, except an appointment with the anesthetist two weeks
prior to the intervention.

Aesthetic medicine tensor effect: type of anesthesia and hospitalization modalities
A quick ambulatory stay is planned. You are back home the same day. The intervention is
done in the sterile environment of the operating room with an assisted local anesthesia.
Tensor threads: the intervention

It lasts approximately 45 min in an operating room. The surgeon will insert the tensor
threads in the under-cutaneous tissues using a thin needle. The cones will maintain them
where they need to be. After the insertion of all the threads, a slight compression of the
tissues is done to remodel them as desired.

After the intervention, it is preferable not to be social for 2 days (remain calm and at home).
Indeed, a small swelling, redness or bruises can appear but they fade quickly.
Your practitioner will give you the necessary post-treatment advises: apply ice patches or
cold in the minutes following the treatment, the intake of analgesics if necessary… He or she
will tell you how to clean and dry the skin with an extreme delicacy for a few days.
Last recommendations: stay away from the sun, physical activity, massages and aesthetic
treatments for at least 20 days.

You want to select the tensor threads for a lift effect of your face? Contact our team for
more details, our experts are at your service to accompany you and counsel you.

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