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Backside implants: increase of bum

Practical information:

Using plastic surgery allows remodeling or restructuring the backside considered too flat or
too dropping. Considered as an erotic symbol in many cultures, the backside constitutes an
essential element of the silhouette. If you wish to modify the shape or volume of your
backside, there are several plastic surgery techniques. The backside implants are an
aesthetic surgery operation of the bum bringing roundness and stability to the bum for a
perfect curve and a very natural result. How does it go? What is the cost of backside
implants? Clinique du Lac informs you on the increasing bum intervention.

  • What are backside implants?

Process developed in plastic surgery to increase the volume of the upper part of the
backside, the bum implants consist in inserting cohesive silicon gel prosthesis on the zone
muscle of the big bum. If this method suffered from a bad reputation a few years ago,
because of bad practices, the conception of implants has been revised and the surgical
technique is nowadays perfectly mastered. On an aesthetic aspect, the obtained result is
very natural and in harmony with the rest of the body. The inter-bum position of the
prosthesis guarantees the discretion of the intervention; the backside implants visually
remain undetectable.

  • Increase of backside: practical information

This kind of intervention aiming to modify the morphology can only be considered once the
body is fully-grown. The intervention requires a bum incision of 5 to 7 centimeters. Placed in
the inter-bum crease, the scars are completely hidden once the bum implants are placed.
After some time, the final result can be appreciated. After 10 to 15 years, it is necessary to
redo the operation to replace the implants.

photorajeunissement visage
  • Backside implants: objectives and principles

Our physical appearance does not always correspond with our deep desires. The shape of
the bum especially can create frustrations and complexes, specifically for women. Filled
with a strong erotic load, the backside is frequently considered not curvy enough and too far
from the idolized image of the callipygian woman with an incredible small of the back. The
backside can keep a non-voluminous aspect, separately from musculature and physical
activity. Indeed, the genetics component plays a dominating role.
The use of prosthesis for the backside is principally indicated for the treatment of flat bum
lacking volume. This method is designed for patient with a slim constitution, desiring an
important increase of the bum volume, for which the lipofilling technique (swabbing fat in
another part of the body to transplant in the backside) would not obtain the desired results.
To solve the loosening of the bum – due to age or important weight loss – it is possible to
associate it with a lifting to raise the bum and redefine the contours.
In practice, the surgeon inserts the cohesive silicon gel prosthesis, both resistant and
flexible, near the gluteus maximus. There are different sizes and shapes of implants. The
practitioner selects the implant most adapted with the patient’s morphology and based on
the desired results.

  • Backside implant: before the intervention

A first consultation with a surgeon of Clinique du Lac allows understanding your
expectations, doing a clinical examination and informing you on the operation. Some time to
think is required.

Operation for backside implant: type of anesthesia and hospitalization modalities
This surgery intervention to increase the backside is done under general anesthesia in an
operating room at Clinique du Lac. It is ambulatory.

  • Plastic surgery of the backside: the intervention

After having done an incision of 5 to 7 centimeters near the crease of the inter bum, the
surgeon places the implants in a cavity created near the gluteus maximus through
detachment. This position in the middle of the muscle makes the prosthesis completely
invisible. The intervention usually lasts 2 hours. For 1 to 2 months, it is advised not to put
any pressure on the backside. After that, the implants are fully integrated in the body.

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