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Eyebrow tattoo removal

Eyebrow tattoo removal

At Clinique du Lac, we understand that trends evolve, as do personal preferences. While eyebrow tattoos were once popular, many people now wish to remove them for a more natural look. We’re excited to offer an advanced solution for eyebrow tattoo removal using the PicoSure® laser, a cutting-edge technology that guarantees safe and effective results.

Practical information

To correct or remove permanent make-up or microblading, the skin surface (epidermis) is roughened using a dermograph.

A weak lactic acid solution is then added drop by drop and massaged in. The solution permeates through the skin layers to the color pigments. The serum causes the protective layer around the color pigments, which previously would have prevented the skin from recognizing the color as a foreign body and rejecting it (or causing inflammation), to separate from the pigments. Suddenly, the skin’s immune system recognizes the pigment color as a foreign body and triggers a rejection process that can take several days, depending on the amount of pigment. The rejected color accumulates on the surface of the skin in the scab and falls off after a few days.

Redness indicates that the skin is healing and, after complete healing, the treated area is usually free of tattoo ink.